Varsity Assistant

Playing experience-
CABOSA/Shreveport United-1998-2008
Captain Shreve High School-2004-2008 member of the varsity team for the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 seasons 
Currently active in CABOSA adult league and Shreveport Indoor Soccer 
Coaching experience-
-Recreational coach for 3 years 
-CABOSA Shreveport United Academy, center of excellence, little booters coach 2014-2017 
-Captain Shreve Women’s soccer Junior Varsity head coach for the 2013-2017 seasons  
-Captain Shreve Women’s soccer varsity assistant from 2017-present 
Coach Bush graduated from Captain Shreve in 2008. She has been married to her husband Steven for four years and they have two dogs Kylo and Nola.